Waiting for ArchiMate 2.0

The Open Group’s ArchiMate Forum is currently working on the version 2.0 of the ArchiMate specification. A company review was held on the member meeting in Austin (July 18 – 22, 2011). You find some very short proceedings of this meeting here. Currently the new version is still in The Open Group’s standards development process, i.e. there’s no public available version around…

It seems that the motivation and implementation/migration extension proposed by BizzDesign are incorporated in the standard. I’m wondering whether they extended the motivation part to better support the modeling of business/IT strategies, business models and business capability models. Furthermore I’m quite curious if version 2.0 still contains the elements Plateau and Gap and how the specification supports different versions of an architecture (e.g. as is, to be variants/options, architecture vision etc.).  When dealing with different versions of an architecture you might ask yourself if you want to include the motivational part and/or the implementation/migration part in the versioning because motivations (e.g. strategies, business models) and implementation/migration plans evolve over the years. To put it the other way round: Which parts of the (meta) model are subject to versioning? That’s maybe a topic for another post…

Back to The Open Group’s standards process. The program of upcoming The Open Group’s conference in San Franciscio (January 30 – February 3, 2012) contains a track on the ArchiMate 2.0 specification and  a talk called “ArchiMate 2: The New Version of The Open Group Modeling Language for Enterprise Architecture” by Dr. Henry Franken.
I hope that The Open Group manages the release the final version of the ArchiMate standard up to this point.

Until then I’m still waiting for ArchiMate 2.0.

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